graptosedum care succulents

Complete Graptosedum Care Guide

You have probably seen the Graptosedum before in arrangements or nurseries. Their beautiful whorling leaves form a rosette shape and their vibrant colors make them pop in any arrangement. As their name suggests, Graptosedum are a hybrid between Echeveria and Sedum.

Popular Graptosedum varieties include ‘Alpenglow’, ‘California Sunset’, ‘Vera Higgins’, ‘Bronze’ and ‘Darley Sunshine’. These varieties vary in leaf color and shape but their care is the same.

These are tips and tricks specific to Graptosedum care. For a more general guide about taking care of all succulents, check out that article.

Sunlight6 to 7 hours of full sun
WaterOnce a week in the summer
Once every 3 to 4 weeks in the winter
SoilWell-draining, porous soil
TemperatureWarm and dry
Not cold hardy
DormancySummer dormant
PropagationLeaves, cuttings and offsets
Graptosedum Care Summary


Graptosedum are a sprawling plant, making them wonderful additions to hanging baskets or as groundcover if outdoors. They grow up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall, and 9 inches (23 cm) wide. The leaves grow up to 1 inch (2.5 cm).

Graptosedum are low maintenance succulents. With the following tips, any gardener can have a Graptosedum that thrives.

Graptosedum Sunlight

Like Echeveria and Sedum, Graptosedum need full light to thrive. The plant should receive at least 6 to 7 hours of sunlight every day. Bright sunlight brings out their beautiful hues.

South-facing windows are best for Graptosedum because they provide enough light to encourage growth. Make sure you rotate the plant every few days so each side receives equal sunlight and grows evenly.

If Graptosedum do not receive enough light, their stems stretch out and the space between their leaves increases, which is called etiolation. After a Graptosedum etiolates, it cannot shrink back to it’s compact rosette shape. You will have to behead the top of your succulent and plant that.

Learn more about succulent etiolation

While Graptosedum love light, be careful not to immediately move your plant from a shady area to a bright, sunny area because it could burn the leaves. Sunburn will show up as brown, calloused spots on the leaf surface.

Unfortunately, once burned, the leaf cannot go back to it’s original color. To avoid sunburn, gradually ease your Graptosedum into a sunny area over a week so it has time to adapt.

Graptosedum Watering

Graptosedum have similar watering needs as other succulents. Their thick leaves allow them to store plenty of water during times of drought.

During the summer months, water your Graptosedum once a week. Before watering, ensure the top inch of soil is completely dry because Graptosedum hate sitting in water for a long period of time. The lower leaves of your Graptosedum will wrinkle slightly when it needs a drink.

Between watering, allow the soil to completely dry out- do not mist with a spray bottle in between.

During winter months, reduce watering to once every three to four weeks. When watering, water the soil at the base of the plant. 

Make sure that water does not splash into the top rosette of the Graptosedum or on it’s leaves because that can cause root rot. If you do get some water on these areas, wipe it off with a tissue so it does not stay on for too long.

Graptosedum Soil

For proper Graptosedum care, plant in a well-draining and porous soil to prevent rot. A succulent soil with perlite in a 70:30 ratio makes a well-draining mix for succulents.

Potting Graptosedum

When you first bring your Graptosedum home from the nursery, remove it from the pot and gently clean the soil off the roots. Transplant it to a new pot filled with fresh, well-draining soil. Wait a week before watering again to allow the plant time to heal.

The best type of pot for Graptosedum is a plain, terracotta pot with a drainage hole. This pot allows for airflow and does not retain excess water.

After the initial repotting, Graptosedum do not need to change containers often. Remember that they are sprawling succulents, so it is normal for them to hang out of their pot.

Repotting once every few years is enough. When moving to a new pot, choose a marginally larger container, because excess potting soil can become waterlogged and lead to rot.


You can apply fertilizer once a month during their growing season, however Graptosedum are fine with minimal fertilization.

Graptosedum care

Graptosedum Propagation:

Graptosedum are propagated from leaves, cuttings and offsets.


Twist a leaf carefully off the plant. Choose a leaf that is healthy, and not wrinkled or dried out. Make sure you removed the ENTIRE leaf and there is no piece left on the stem- whole leaves have a much better chance of propagating than torn leaves. Allow the leaf to callous for 2 to 3 days, then put it on some soil.

Spray the soil once a week with water and provide filtered sunlight. Leaf propagations need more water and less sunlight than their parents. Do not move the leaves while they grow roots. Mist the soil every few days with a spray bottle.

After a few weeks, a small rosette will (hopefully!) form at the area where the leaf was removed from the stem. Eventually, the parent leaf will shrivel up and can be removed. The new baby plant can then be planted in it’s own small pot and watered every 5 to 7 days. Provide it with bright, filtered sun.


Graptosedum can also produce offsets (pups) that sprout up from the base of the plant. Once the offset is about 1/4 of the size of it’s parent, you can carefully remove it. Allow the roots to dry for a day or two, then plant in a new pot. Wait a few days after repotting before watering to give your plant time to heal. Provide bright, filtered sun and water every 4 to 5 days.


As Graptosedum grow, their stems sprawl out of their container. If you like this look, by all means keep it! However, if you want to keep your Graptopetalum on small stems that stay within the container, you can cut the rosette off and replant in a new pot.

Take a pair of sharp garden shears and cut 1.5 inches below the rosettes stem. Leave the stem out to callous for about 3 days, then plant in well-draining soil. Wait a week after repotting to water, then water weekly after that. Keep your cutting in an area where it will receive bright, indirect light.

Graptosedum Temperature:

Like other succulents, Graptosedum thrive in hot, dry climates. Their optimal temperature is from 65 °F to 75 °F (18 °C to 24 °C). They cannot tolerate cold weather and should not be left out in temperatures lower than 30 °F (-1 °C).

Graptosedum need average humidity- your room’s natural humidity should be enough for this plant. Excess humidity can lead to root rot for Graptosedum, so they should not be placed in rooms that are humid, such as bathrooms. A fan can help improve air circulation.

Like other succulents, if you live in a hotter area your Graptosedum will need more frequent watering than if you live somewhere colder. Drier environments will also require more frequent watering than humid environments.

Graptosedum Flowers:

Graptosedum bloom in the spring and have white flowers. However, they do not often flower indoors.

Graptosedum Toxicity:

These plants are safe to grow around pets.

graptosedum 'California Sunset'
Graptosedum California Sunset

Common Graptosedum Care Problems

Why are Graptosedum leaves falling off?

How many leaves are falling off? If it is a small number of bottom leaves drying up and falling, this is normal. Succulents grow from their centers by absorbing nutrients from the bottom leaves.

However, if it is leaves from the top that are falling off, this is a sign of overwatering. Make sure your Graptosedum is planted in a well-draining soil and decrease the frequency of your watering. If your succulent is in a humid area, move it somewhere drier or place a fan nearby for air circulation.

How do I stop my Graptosedum from stretching?

If your Graptosedum is stretched out with long gaps in between the leaves, it is not receiving enough sun. This is a common problem with Graptosedum care because they are very light hungry. Transition the plant to a brighter area so that the new growth becomes more compact.

Unfortunately, the etiolated succulent cannot shrink back to it’s rosette shape, but you can keep the rest of your plant small if you move the Graptosedum succulent to an area with more sun. If you want a compact rosette, you will have to propagate the top cutting.

How do I get rid of Mealy Bugs on my Succulent?

Mealy bugs are small, fuzzy, white bugs that like to crawl around in the nooks and crannies of plants. They feed on the plant sap, which causes deformed leaves.

At the first sign of mealy bugs, immediately quarantine your plant away from the others. Check all of your other plants for signs of the pest. Mealy bugs spread quickly, and other plants may be infected as well. Pay special attention to the nooks and crannies of your plants because they love those areas.

For the plants with signs of infestation, take a q-tip, soak it in rubbing alcohol and dab it at any bugs you see to kill them instantly. Also water the soil with rubbing alcohol to kill any eggs they may have left behind. Watering with alcohol does not harm your plant and gets rid of eggs in the soil. You will have to repeat this every other day for several days because mealy bugs take a while to completely go away.

Why is my Graptosedum turning green?

When Graptosedum receive enough light, they can turn many vibrant colors, including pink, purple, yellow or red. This is called “sun stress” and means that your plant was receiving special conditions to reach this color, such as a lot of sun, less water, or cold temperatures.

If your Graptosedum has turned green after a few weeks of bringing it home from the nursery, there is nothing wrong with it- green succulents are still healthy and nothing needs to be done.

However if you want your Graptosedum to go back to the vibrant colors it had, try easing it into an area with more sun (but not too quickly or it can sunburn!). If you find your windows are not providing enough light, you may have to buy a grow lamp and put your Graptosedum under there. Be aware that you might not be able to turn your succulent to exactly the same color it was before- but that is okay! Your plant is still healthy.

Why is my succulent turning yellow and mushy?

The following are signs of an over watered succulent:

  • The bottom leaves of your Graptosedum are turning mushy or translucent yellow
  • The stems are turning brown/black
  • The plant is losing it’s shape and feels squishy

Your plant is suffering from root rot. This is a common problem and can be difficult to fix. Unfortunately, Graptosedum are sensitive to overwatering, and root rot is a common cause of Graptosedum death.

Allow the soil to dry out and decrease how often you water your plant. If a lot of the stem or leaves are damaged, you may have to cut away the healthy parts of the plant and propagate those. I have a full guide about how to fix root rot for more detail.

If the root rot is particularly extensive and the whole stem is mushy, you may only be able to chose a few leaves from the whole plant to propagate.

In summary for Graptosedum care…

With enough sun and proper Graptosedum care, they can turn beautiful shades of pink, purple or red. Their bright, colorful rosettes and chubby leaves make them a great addition to any houseplant collection.

Do you have any Graptosedum care questions I did not answer? Let me know down below!

Check out the following care guides for more information:

General Succulent Care Tips

How to Propagate Succulents

How to Water Succulents

Succulent Etiolation and how to Prevent it

Want all your succulent care information in one handy book? Click above!

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