Plant Shock & How to Avoid it

Plant shock refers to the stress a houseplant undergoes when there is a change in it’s environment. Transplanting is one of the most common causes of shock. In the wild, plants stay in one place and grow roots deep and wide into the soil, so it’s no surprise they do not like being moved by humans. Plant shock can cause leaf drop, wilting or even death. That’s why it’s important to only repot your plants when they need to be repotted.

Monstera vs Philodendron: What’s the Difference?

Monstera and Philodendron are both very popular houseplants that are commonly mistaken for each other. In fact, Monstera deliciosa are often labelled as “Split leaf Philodendrons” or “Swiss cheese Philodendrons” in many stores, adding to the confusion. True Split leaf Philodendron (Philodendron bipinnatifidum and Philodendron selloum) also go by the same nickname, but are a completely different species from Monstera! So what’s the difference between a Monstera vs Philodendron?

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