Plant shock refers to the stress a houseplant undergoes when there is a change in it’s environment. Transplanting is one of the most common causes of shock. In the wild, plants stay in one place and grow roots deep and wide into the soil, so it’s no surprise they do not like being moved by humans. Plant shock can cause leaf drop, wilting or even death. That’s why it’s important to only repot your plants when they need to be repotted.
Sansevieria Cylindrica Care (Cylindrical Snake Plant)
Sansevieria cylindrica, also known as African spear or cylindrical snake plant, has smooth and cylindrical leaves that look great in any indoor garden. Although Sansvieria cylindrica care is pretty simple, if you really want your plant to thrive, follow these tips.
Monstera vs Philodendron: What’s the Difference?
Monstera and Philodendron are both very popular houseplants that are commonly mistaken for each other. In fact, Monstera deliciosa are often labelled as “Split leaf Philodendrons” or “Swiss cheese Philodendrons” in many stores, adding to the confusion. True Split leaf Philodendron (Philodendron bipinnatifidum and Philodendron selloum) also go by the same nickname, but are a completely different species from Monstera! So what’s the difference between a Monstera vs Philodendron?
Monstera Plant Watering: How Often and How Much
Monstera deliciosa are hardy houseplants that are native to tropical areas, such as Mexico and Panama. Found in rainforests, Monstera thrive in warm and humid environments with bright, indirect sunlight and proper watering. Learn monstera plant watering here!
Flamingo Lily Care: Anthurium Info
Anthurium andraeanum, commonly known as the Flamingo Lily, have an exotic look and brightly colored flowers. The Anthurium genus is native to tropical and subtropical South America, so these houseplants thrive in warm, humid conditions.
ZZ Plant Leaves Turning Yellow? 4 Reasons Why!
While ZZ plant care is pretty easy once you know it’s needs, there are a few factors that could result in your ZZ plant leaves turning yellow. Yellow leaves are a sign your plant is unhealthy. Keep reading to find out why this common problem occurs and how to fix it so you can bring back your plant’s beautiful green foliage.
7 Reasons for Black Spots on Monstera & How to Fix Them
If your monstera is unhappy and unhealthy, it will show signs on it’s leaves. Black spots on monstera can be worrying to any plant parent and are due to several different reasons. Find out more.
Calathea Ornata (Pinstripe Plant) Care
Calathea ornata care can be a tricky. They require humid conditions, indirect light, and moist soil. Learn the ideal conditions for calathea care to maximize their beautiful pinstripe foliage.
12 Best Plants for Low Light Bathrooms
Dark bathrooms can be dreary and boring. It is often tough to find plants that will grow in the high humidity, low light conditions of bathrooms. Fortunately, the following 15 houseplants will thrive in warm moisture, low light, and high temperature rooms- making them the best plants for low light bathrooms!
Croton Care Indoors Made Easy (Codiaeum variegatum)
The croton plant indoors adds liveliness to rooms with it’s beautiful dark red or yellow foliage. Native to tropical islands in the Pacific Ocean, crotons enjoy warm and humid climates. In addition, it has air-purification qualities and effectively removes chemicals such as formaldehyde from the atmosphere. Croton care indoors can be tricky, since they are picky about their environment.