graptolpetalum plant care ghost plant facts

Graptopetalum Plant Care | Ghost Plant Facts

Graptopetalum paraguayense, also known as “Ghost Plants” are beautiful succulents with purple-grey leaves and sprawling stems. Native to Mexico, Graptopetalum plant care involves plenty of sun and infrequent waterings to keep them happy. If you like Echeverias, you will definitely be a fan of graptopetalum because they have a similar rosette shape. Continue reading to learn more ghost plant facts:

Ghost plant leaves have a delicate white powdery coating called pruinose, giving it a pastel “ghosty” appearance. Graptopetalum are easily propagated through leaves or cuttings, allowing you to multiply your collection.

These are tips and tricks specific to Graptopetalum plant care. For a general guide to taking care of all succulents, click here.

NameGraptopetalum paraguayense
“Ghost plant”
Sunlight7 to 8 hours of bright, direct sun
WaterOnce a week in the summer
Once every 3 to 4 weeks in the winter
SoilWell-draining, porous soil
TemperatureWarm and dry. Cold hardy
DormancySummer dormant
PropagationLeaves, cuttings and offsets (really easy to propagate!)
Graptopetalum plant care facts

Graptopetalum are hardy succulents and can tolerate less than ideal conditions pretty well. Compared to other succulents, they are less likely to sunburn, are more tolerant of shadier areas, and pretty cold hardy. This makes them ideal for beginners!

Ghost plant facts:

Graptopetalum sunlight:

Graptopetalum need plenty of bright sunlight to prevent etiolation (stretching out) and to maintain their compact rosette shape. Therefore, for proper Graptopetalum plant care, provide the plant with 7 to 8 hours of bright direct sunlight every day.

Learn more about etiolation and how to fix it

South-facing windows are best for ghost plants because they provide bright light, which encourages growth. Rotate the plant every few days so each side receives equal sunlight and grows evenly.

If ghost plants do not receive enough sunlight, they begin to stretch out and lean sideways towards more light.

Graptopetalum leaf color can vary from pale blue-gray in lower light, to bright yellow-pink shades in full sun.

Ghost plant soil type and pH

For proper Graptopetalum plant care, ensure it is planted in a well-draining soil with a pH from 6.1 to 7.5 to prevent root rot. I have had good results mixing this soil with perlite in a 70:30 ratio.


Ghost plants are quite hardy, so fertilizer is not necessary. In fact, use of excess fertilizer will burn the leaves.

Planting Ghost plants

Ghost plants can grow up to 12 inches tall and 20 inches wide. The sprawling stems harden and gain a woody-texture as they drape over containers and cascade down pots.

Graptopetalum have shallow roots and do not require frequent repotting. When planting, use a pot with a drainage hole. Plain terracotta pots are best for ghost plants.

Ghost plants have a white, powdery coating called pruinose, which helps give it that “ghosty” appearance. This coating is quite delicate and can be damaged by the oils on your fingertips when repotting. Take care to grab the plant at its base and avoid excessively touching the leaves to prevent the coating from rubbing off.

ghost plant care
Graptopetalum have thick, sprawling woody stems that cascade down the pot

Ghost plant watering:

Ghost plants have similar watering needs as most succulents. They are quite drought-tolerant because their thick leaves allow them to store plenty of water. To learn more about general water needs, click here.

During the summer months, water once a week.  Let the soil dry completely in between waterings. Take care to only water once the soil is completely dry since Graptopetalum plants do not like sitting in water for too long. During winter months, reduce watering to once every three to four weeks to prevent root rot. When watering, water the soil at the base of the plant. 

Make sure that water does not sit in the top rosette of the Graptopetalum or on it’s leaves because that can lead to rot. If you do get some water on these areas, wipe it off with a tissue.

If you notice your ghost plant is dropping leaves excessively, you may be overwatering it. Cut back on your watering to see if that helps.

Ghost plant propagation:

Ghost plants can easily be propagated from leaves, cuttings and offsets.


Propagating ghost plant leaves is SO easy. If you have not been having much luck in the propagation department, try out some ghost plant leaves. I always have a lot of success with them.

To obtain a leaf to propagate, wiggle it carefully off the plant. Choose a leaf that is large and healthy. Do not choose wrinkled, small or dried leaves because they are less successful at propagating. Pull the leaf carefully from the stem, ensuring you pull off the whole leaf and there is no piece left on the stem- whole leaves have a much better chance of propagating than torn leaves. Allow the leaf to callous for 2 to 3 days.

Once the leaf has calloused, put it on some soil. Spray the soil once a week with water and provide filtered sunlight. Leaf propagations need more water and less sunlight than their parents. Do not move the leaves while they grow roots (I know, I know- it is really tempting). After a few weeks, a small rosette will form at the tip of the leaf. As the new succulent grows, it will absorb nutrients from the parent leaf and the parent leaf will dry up.

The new baby plant can be planted in its own small pot when it is about an inch wide. Now, you can water once a week and provide bright filtered sun.


While many succulent offsets grow at the base, Graptopetalum offsets (pups) grow by branching off from the stem. Once the offset is about 1/4 of the size of it’s parent, you can carefully remove it using a clean pair of garden shears. Leave about 1.5 inches of stem so that you have enough room to plant the offset. Allow the stem to callous for 2 to 3 days, then replant in a new pot. Water the new plant about 5 days after repotting so that it has a chance to settle in its new environment. Provide bright, filtered sun and water every 4 to 5 days.


As Graptopetalum grow, their stems will stretch and they will sprawl out over their container. If you like this look, by all means keep it! However, if you want to keep your Graptopetalum on small stems that stay within the pot, you can cut the rosette off and replant in a new pot.

Take a pair of sharp garden shears and cut 1.5 inches below the rosettes stem. Take the leaves off the bottom so you have a clean 1.5 inch of stem to plant in the soil (more leaves to propagate!). Leave the stem out to callous (this will take about 3 days), then replant. Water a week after repotting, and once a week after that.


Native to Mexico, Graptopetalum thrive in hot, dry climates. The optimal temperature is from 65 to 75 °F (18 to 24 °C). They can even survive temperatures as low as 20 °F (7 °C).

Excess humidity can lead to root rot for ghost plants, so they should not be placed in humid rooms. Make sure your ghost plant is in a well-draining soil. A fan is a great way to improve air circulation.

Like other succulents, if you live in a hotter area, your ghost plant will need more frequent watering than colder temperatures. Drier environments will also require more frequent watering than humid environments.

Ghost plant flowers:

Ghost plants flowers are star-shaped, with five pointed petals. Their stems are woody in texture and well-branched

Graptopetalum, Plants Crassulaceae, succulent
Ghost plant flowers


These plants are safe to grow around pets.

Common Graptopetalum plant care problems

Mealy bugs

Unfortunately, there is another creature that loves ghost plants as much as humans… mealy bugs. Mealy bugs are small, fuzzy, white bugs that like to crawl around in the nooks and crannies of plants. They are also a HUGE pain to deal with.

At the first sign of mealy bugs, immediately quarantine your plant away from the others. Check all of your other plants for signs of the pest. Mealy bugs spread quickly, and other plants may be infected as well. Pay special attention to the nooks and crannies of your plants because they love those areas.

For the plants with signs of infestation, take a q-tip, soak it in rubbing alcohol and dab it at any bugs you see to kill them instantly. Also water the soil with rubbing alcohol to kill any eggs they may have left behind. Watering with alcohol does not harm your plant and removes eggs in the soil. You will have to repeat this every other day for several days because mealy bugs take a while to completely go away.

Why is my ghost plant tall and stretched out?

If your ghost plant is stretched out with long spaces in between the leaves, it needs more sun. This is a common problem with Graptopetalum plant care because they love light. Transition the plant to a brighter area so that the new growth becomes more compact.

Unfortunately, the stretched out segment cannot go back to it’s compact shape, but you can keep the rest of your plant compact if you move the Graptopetalum succulent to an area with more sun. If you want to get a compact shape back and do not like the sprawling look, you will have to propagate the cutting, as described above.

Why are my ghost plant leaves falling off?

This is probably due to root rot from overwatering. Giving succulents too much water too often causes their leaves to swell and drop off the plant. Signs of overwatering include:

  • Bottom leaves of the plant are turning mushy or translucent yellow
  • The bottom leaves fall off really easily
  • The stem is turning black and losing it’s shape

This is a common problem and can be difficult to fix. While ghost plants are more tolerant of watering than other succulents, it is still something to watch out for.

Allow the soil to dry out and decrease how often you water your plant. If a lot of the stem or leaves are damaged, you may have to cut away the healthy parts of the plant and focus on growing those.

For a complete guide to fixing root rot, check here.

If the root rot is particularly extensive and the whole stem is mushy, you may have to chose a few healthy-looking leaves from the whole plant to propagate. Fortunately, ghost plants propagate really well!

In summary for Graptopetalum plant care…

Graptopetalums are a gorgeous grey-pink succulent with a unique shape. With enough sun and proper Graptopetalum plant care, they can turn beautiful shades of pink, purple or red. Their rosette shape and chubby leaves will make a great addition to your plant collection.

I hope you enjoyed learning these ghost plant facts!

Graptopetalum paraguayense, also known as Ghost Plant succulent, has powdery grey leaves with highlights of purple, pink and blue. They make wonderful houseplants. Learn how to care for and propagate these beautiful and hardy succulents. #succulents #ghostplant
Want all your succulent care information in one handy book? Click above!

Learn more about general succulent care from these articles:

How Often Should you Water Succulents and Cacti

How to Take Care of Succulents and Keep them Alive

Succulent Root Rot: What it is and How to Treat It

Succulent Etiolation: What to do if your Succulent is Growing Tall

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