calathea leaves curling

Calathea Leaves Curling? Here’s How to Fix It!

Calathea are tropical plants known for their bright, colorful leaves. They are great additions to low light offices or bedrooms needing a pop of color. Their beautifully patterned leaves make them a very popular houseplant choice. Calathea leaf curling is a common problem and can be due to several issues with the environment. If you notice your calathea leaves curling, continue reading to learn why it occurs and how your can fix this problem.

For a complete guide to Calathea care, check this article

Calathea leaves curling due to dry soil

Calathea thrive in moist soil. Under watering and dry soil can lead to curling calathea leaves. On the other hand, over watering can lead to plant rot, so it is important to strike a balance between the two. For best results, water when the top 1 to 2 inches of soil are dry. The soil should be moist (but not soaking wet) when you are finished watering to prevent rot.

If any excess water collects in the saucer, dump it out so the plant does not sit in it for too long.

Other signs of an under watered calathea include:

  • Limp or drooping leaves and stems
  • Brown, crispy leaves

Be aware that plants in drier environments require more frequent watering than those in humid areas. Calathea should also be watered less during the winter because the temperature is cooler.

If your tap water has high amounts of salts, chlorine or fluoride, it can also lead to curling leaves even if the plant is watered at the proper times. You may notice a buildup of salt on the surface of the soil if this is the problem. In this case, it helps to leave the water out in a bowl overnight so the chlorine has time to evaporate before watering the next day. You can also use a filtration system or water with collected rainwater.

calathea leaves curling, curled calathea leaves
Calathea leaves curling

Calathea leaves curling due to low humidity

As a tropical plant found in rainforests, Calathea thrive in humid environments. Low humidity is one of the most common causes of Calathea leaves curling.

To increase the humidity of the surrounding air, try any of the following:

  • Keep a humidifier nearby. If you have other tropical plants next to your Calathea, they will benefit too!
  • Place the plant in a tray of water with pebbles (make sure the water is not directly touching the plant roots). As the water evaporates, it increases the surrounding humidity.
  • Mist the leaves and soil slightly with a spray bottle
calathea leaves curling
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Calathea leaves curling due to cold temperatures

Calathea leaves also curl when they are exposed to cold or very dry air. Keep this houseplant away from drafty windows or heating vents as the area near these is quite dry.

Since Calatheas are tropical plants, they prefer temperatures from 65 to 80 °F (18 to 27 °C).

Calathea leaves curling due to excess sunlight

In their native environment, Calathea are found growing under the shade of larger trees. As a result, they thrive in low light environments.

They are not a fan of direct sunlight, which can lead to curled leaves as they try to reduce sun exposure. If your Calathea is in front of a window, move it farther away, or draw a sheer curtain so that it receives indirect light.

Direct sunlight causes leaf sunburn, which cannot be reversed. Avoid placing Calathea houseplants in front of South-facing windows, as they provide the brightest light.

Calathea Care

Calathea care can be summarized below:

SunlightBright, indirect sun. Avoid excess sunlight as it burns the leaves
WaterKeep the soil moist. Water when the top 1 to 2 inches of soil are dry
SoilWell-draining soil (African violet soil works well)
TemperatureWarm temperatures with high humidity
Not cold hardy
PropagationPropagated by plant division (but can be difficult to propagate)
ToxicityNon-toxic to pets or humans
Calathea Care Summary

In summary for Calathea leaves curling…

4 common reasons for Calathea leaves curling include:

  1. Dry soil
  2. Low humidity
  3. Cold temperatures
  4. Direct sunlight

Once you have fixed the underlying problem, prune any permanently damaged leaves.

If you can identify and fix the cause of Calathea leaves curling, the leaves will unfurl and the plant can return to it’s normal appearance. Overall, keep your plant in a shady, humid and warm environment so it can thrive.

See other plant specific care guides here

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