monstera leaves turning brown, brown spots on monstera leaves

Why Are My Monstera Leaves Turning Brown?

Native to South and Central American, Monstera houseplants thrive in warm and humid conditions. These houseplants are popular members of the Araceae family due to their large and fenestrated leaves (earning them the nickname Swiss Cheese Plants). While Monstera are generally easy to care for, a common problem many plant owners encounter is Monstera leaves turning brown. There are several reasons why this may occur- this article will help you differentiate between the reasons and provide solutions so your plant can bounce back.

Learn about general Monstera care with this complete guide

Monstera leaves turning brown due to over watering

Over watering is one of the most common causes of brown Monstera leaves.

Other signs of an over watered houseplant include:

  • Dark brown spots
  • Brown, wilting stems
  • Yellow or mushy leaves
  • Leaf drop
  • Black, slimy roots

What to do about an over watered plant

If root rot is caught early enough, the houseplant can be saved. With a clean pair of garden shears or scissors, cut off the dead roots, disinfecting the scissors between each cut to avoid spreading the rot. Replant in fresh new soil, adding in more perlite for drainage if necessary. If your pot does not already have a drainage hole, choose one that does so the extra water does not buildup.

Avoid misting the plant during this time because the extra humidity exacerbates the condition.

How to prevent over watering

Before watering your Monstera, stick a finger in the top few inches of soil. If it is dry, you can water but if it is still damp, wait a few days before checking again. Monstera are not fond of soaking wet soil. Start off by watering your plant once a week and adjust the frequency based on your home’s light, temperature, and humidity.

Water until the soil is damp but before it is soaking. After watering, discard any water that collected in the saucer so that the plant does not stay wet for too long.

To help with drainage, plant your Monstera in well-draining soil mix. Add perlite or orchid bark to increase soil drainage and prevent water retention.

Choosing a terracotta pot with a drainage hole also helps with drainage because the porous material allows the extra water to evaporate. Be sure to choose an appropriately sized pot as well, because if the pot is too large, the extra soil retains extra water and furthers the risk of rot.

Keep in mind, your Monstera requires less water in cooler temperatures or shadier light conditions. Let the plant dry out more in between watering if this is the case. On the other hand, plants in warm, brightly lit or dry areas require more frequent watering.

Learn how to water your Monstera properly with this guide.

Monstera leaves turning brown due to under watering

Easier to fix than root rot, under watering is another common cause of brown Monstera leaves. Under watering is especially likely if the tips of the leaves are brown and dried up. If it has been several days since you last watered your plant and the soil is dry to touch, give it a good drink.

While the brown edges will not turn green again, you can ensure the new growth is healthy.

Monstera leaves turning brown due to dry air

Another cause of brown, dried leaves is dry air. Monstera are native to tropical areas so they are quite fond of humidity. It can be difficult to provide enough moisture for this plant especially during the winter months.

Increase humidity around your plant in one of the following ways:

  • Keeping a humidifier nearby.
  • Placing the plant pot in a pebble tray with water (make sure the pot is on the pebbles and not directly touching the water).
  • Misting the air around the plant with a spray bottle (note: do not excessively mist the leaves or leave them soaking wet because it can lead to bacterial disease. The moisture should evaporate off the leaves within a few minutes and the leaves should not remain wet).
  • Do not place the Monstera next to any heating or cooling vents as the surrounding air is quite dry.

Related Article: Monstera Adansonii Care Guide

Monstera leaves turning brown due to direct light

Brown spots may also be due to too much direct sunlight. The bright light causes the leaves to burn. While Monstera enjoy bright light, it needs to be indirect.

South facing windows may provide too much exposure for this plant. You can put them by an east or west facing window, or cover the light source with a sheer curtain to help filter the light.

monstera leaves turning brown
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Monstera leaves turning brown due to disease

Bacteria or fungi can enter plants through small cuts and spread throughout the system. The resulting infection may cause brown spots. Bacterial growth is promoted by excessively misting leaves and poor air circulation- the leaves stay wet for extended periods of time, causing damage.

Avoid frequently misting the leaves with large volumes of water and keep your plant in a room with good air circulation. If you get water droplets on the leaves, wipe them off with a tissue so they do not sit on the plant.

Snip off the brown leaves with gardening shears, cleaning the shears between each cut. Use a plant fungicide as directed. As a home remedy, mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of mineral oil in a spray bottle of water and spray this over the infected areas.

Monstera leaves turning brown due to over fertilization

Over fertilizing your Monstera causes salt buildup in the soil, which can burn the leaves. Only fertilize your Monstera once a month during its growing season from spring to summer. If you have fertilized more often than that, salt buildup may be the cause of brown leaves.

To solve this issue, flush out the soil by pouring water two times the volume of the pot through it. This allows the excess salts to run out through the drainage hole. Alternatively, your could replant the Monstera in fresh soil.

Related Article: Monstera vs Philodendron: What’s the Difference?

Monstera leaves turning brown due to under fertilization

On the other hand, a lack of nutrients also causes brown Monstera leaves. If it has been a few years since you last repotted your Monstera, replant it in fresh nutrient-rich soil. Feed your plant once a month with fertilizer from the spring to summer.

Monstera leaves turning brown due to temperature extremes

The ideal temperature for Monstera houseplants is from 68 to 86 °F (20 to 30 °C). Avoid temperatures much warmer or colder than that because the temperature extremes damage the leaves and lead to browning.

Also avoid exposing this houseplant to cold drafts or sudden changes in temperature as this could shock the plant.

Monstera Plant Care

SunlightBright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight
WaterOnce every 1 to 2 weeks (check that the soil is dry before watering)
SoilWell-draining, porous soil. Mix in perlite to increase drainage and reduce water retention.
Temperature68 – 86 °F (20 – 30 °C). Do not keep in temperatures below 60 °F (15 °C)
HumidityHigh humidity
Monstera care summary

What to do about the brown leaves?

Once Monstera leaves turn brown, they will not return back to a green color again. However by fixing the underlying problem, you can ensure the new leaf growth is healthy.

To improve appearances, snip off the brown leaves with a pair of scissors. If the damage is extensive, do not remove more than 20% of the plant’s leaves at once.

In summary for Monstera turning brown…

Provide your Monstera plant with bright, indirect light, water when the top layer of soil is dry, place it somewhere warm, and plant in well-draining soil.

Common reasons for brown Monstera leaves include:

  1. Over watering: this is one of the most common causes of brown leaves and can be difficult to fix. Allow the plant to completely dry out. If the damage is extensive, repot the plant in a new container with fresh soil.
  2. Under watering: check the moisture in the top layer of soil- if it is dry, give your plant a good drink.
  3. Dry air: fond of humidity, Monstera leaves can turn dried and crispy in dry air. Place a humidifier nearby, or keep the pot in a pebble tray with water.
  4. Direct light: extended exposure to bright, direct light causes brown spots as well. Provide your Monstera with bright but indirect light to keep it happy.
  5. Disease: bacterial or fungal infections on Monstera leaves lead to brown spots on the leaves. Cut the affected leaves off and use a fungicide. Keep the plant in a well-ventilated area and avoid excessive misting.
  6. Fertilizing too often: fertilize your Monstera only once a month during the spring and summer. If you notice salt buildup, flush the extra salts out the soil with water two times the volume of the pot.
  7. Lack of nutrients: If it has been a while since you last repotted your Monstera, consider replanting in a new nutrient-rich soil.
  8. Temperature extremes: very cold or hot temperatures damage the plant’s growth. Keep your Monstera at temperatures from 68 to 86 °F and avoid sudden temperature changes.

If your Monstera has brown spots, do not give up hope- your plant can bounce back if the problem is corrected early enough.

See other plant specific care guides here.

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